A career gap
caused by cancer
is the elephant
in the room

NED is a social enterprise championing the
600,000+ young adult cancer survivors
in the U.S. who are ready to work again.

Fighting cancer is a
full-time job

The hard work of defeating cancer is often seen as an unfavorable career gap. But fighting cancer is one of the toughest jobs an individual will ever have and it deserves a place on any resume. The competencies cancer survivors cultivate through adversity are
Super-Abilities, not disabilities or liabilities.


Celebrate your Super-Abilities

Grit, determination, resilience, ownership, dedication, empathy: these are the important skills companies look for in prospective hires. To highlight your Super-Abilities, NED created a strategic stopgap for cancer survivors:
an experience you can list on LinkedIn.


Add experience

Search NED under 'Company name'


Select start date

Use the date of your diagnosis


Add skills

Highlight your Super-Abilities

Career gaps aren’t empty

NED is committed to uniting all groups of people whose careers are impacted by resume gaps and who face unconscious bias in the workplace. No one should have to fight this discrimination alone.

We cultivate career confidence
in cancer survivors.

explore community

We offer super-abled candidates
to prospective employers.

get involved

We engage industry leaders to create inclusive career pathways.

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